And it is the Renaissance which, for the first time, not only affirms but formally legitimizes and rationalizes these three forms of subjectivity. There are some things that nearly everyone in the world agrees are beautiful but there are other things that depend on each person’s opinion. Think ye weave cunning schemes and elaborate intrigues with fallback plans and. Powerful and intelligent, beholders were among the greatest threats to the world. These large, orb-shaped beings had ten eyestalks and one central eye, each containing powerful magic. Each person can decide what is beautiful. A beholder, sometimes called a sphere of many eyes or an eye tyrant, was a large aberration normally found in the Underdark.

Whether or not beauty is subjective has been debated at least since ancient Greece. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder is an expression that means that beauty is subjective. Organic movement introduces into the calculus of artistic composition the subjective will and the subjective emotions of the thing represented foreshortening the subjective visual experience of the artist and those "eurhythmic" adjustments which alter that which is right in favor of what seems right, the subjective visual experience of a potential beholder. The phrase beauty is in the eye of the beholder means that different people have different opinions as to what should be deemed attractive.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder means that beauty is subjective. These three factors of variation have one thing in common: they all presuppose the artistic recognition of subjectivity.

We have repeatedly seen that there were these circumstances which could compel the artist to make a distinction between the "technical" proportions and the "objective " the influence of organic movement, the influence of perspective foreshortening, and the regard for the visual impression of the beholder. “These two developments throw light on what is perhaps the most fundamental difference between the Renaissance and all previous periods of art.