The Narrow field of view crops in even further than Linear and is useful for shooting distant subjects at the centre of the frame. In Linear FOV mode the camera crops in to remove the fish-eye distortion. The Medium options zooms in a little from the Wide field of view. You can crop the movies during editing if you like – there’s more flexibility to do this with 4K footage. Wide is useful if you’re shooting a scene with lots of activity.
Switch to 1080p and you then have the choice of W (Wide), M (Medium), L (Linear) and N (Narrow). Most modes will offer you W or Wide and using 4K or 2.7K time-lapse video mode this will be the only option on offer to you. The FOV options during time-lapse change depending on the mode and resolution you have selected. Remember that the GoPro Hero5 Session’s battery life is limited. Using 5-60 second intervals are better for capturing sunsets and slower moving motion. Using this simple chart you can see that a 0.5 – 2 second interval is good for capturing a quick activity of capturing crowds at events or in the street where motion within the scene is quick.
Taking this into consideration for a 10second movie the subject of your time-lapse would need to happen over the following times for a 10 second movie at 24fps. When it comes to smooth video playback traditionally film makers aim for between 24 and 25fps. The Hero5 Session offers a good selection of intervals between frames with 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 and 60 seconds. When shooting in TL-PH (Time-Lapse Photo) you can only shoot at 10mp GoPro Hero5 Session Time Lapse Interval GoPro Hero5 Session Time Lapse Stills Resolution When shooting in TL-VD (Time-lapse Video) mode you have the option to shoot at 4k, 2.7k (4:3) and 1080.

GoPro Hero5 Session Time Lapse Video Resolution TL-VD (Time Lapse Video) the option selected in this video creates a single movie file, TL-PH (Time-Lapse Photo) captures a series of still shots. In Time Lapse mode, HERO5 Session has three capture modes. The GoPro Hero5 Session offers three different capture options TL-VD (Time-lapse Video), TL-PH (Time-Lapse Photo) and TL-NT (Time-Lapse Night Time) Your camera scrolls through several settings, including the version number.